

Jane attended her first yoga class at the age of six. She developed a regular practice and passion for yoga in her late teens after discovering that it was a powerful antidote to the pressure and stresses of University studies.

After deciding to find a career in something she loves to do, Jane trained for three years with The British Wheel of Yoga (governing body for yoga in the UK). The course gave her an in depth understanding of the many aspects of yoga. Since her initial training, Jane is now qualified to teach yoga to children, yoga nidra, yin and restorative yoga.

Her love of yoga and meditation shine through every aspect of her teaching and although she often teaches Hatha and Vinyasa flow, Jane regularly includes elements of Iyengar, Ashtanga and Kundalini yoga into her classes.

Emphasis is on correct alignment, safety, connecting breath with movement and encouraging students into present moment awareness. Breathing practices, deep relaxation (yoga nidra) and meditation techniques are often featured at the end of classes. Jane teaches yoga internationally but loves living and working in London specialising in one-to-one classes.